Upload certificate / document data in bulk or single
OnBoarding issuers on Blockchain – Issuers (organizations that will issue records such as certificates, credentials etc.) need to register with ValidLog using valid KYC. Issuers will be issued valid cryptographic materials for their identity primarly as digital signatures, certificate authorities to issue records on Blockchain.
Issue certificate / document to recipient
Recipients signup through a mobile wallet app
App generates private and public key for each recipient
All digital records carry public key of the recipient for verification
Request, store & share documents or digital certificates or any credentials by people
Recipients will request Blockchain Record (BR) from issuer
Issuer will submit transaction on Blockchain
Nodes will validate the issuer by verifying digital signature
Each transaction will contain digital signature of issuer along with public key of recipient
Authorized verification request by the recipient
Recipients own records proving their authority with public – private key pair
Access digital certificates on mobile app
Share records with anyone on mobile app
Verify authenticity of the recipient data in real time
Recipients share records link through mobile application
Verifiers verify records by auditing transaction on Blockchain